Enclose one in a sympathy card you send to the family of a veteran.
Ask the pastor at the church you attend if you could share poppies with them at Memorial Day or Veterans Day time.
Add a Poppy to one of your Christmas Tree ornaments.
Place one in a flower or non-flower plant that you give to someone as a get well or thinking of you gift.
Give one to veterans or attendees at patriotic/military events.
Ask if you can add a Poppy to the table decoration for any luncheon or dinner occasion that one of your other groups or clubs is sponsoring.
Place one appropriately, when you attend a veteran’s funeral or church service.
It certainly is ok to wear a poppy any day of the year or keep one attached to your purse and always visible.
Make a small counter-top decoration and present it to your local fire department, city government office, or one of your elected-officials for any holiday or special occasion.
Place one along with the decoration on top of the packaged gifts you give.
Carry a few with you in a plastic baggie to give to someone you unexpectedly meet, such as a Gold Star Mom or Wife… or even a Veteran who might be at the same event you are attending.
When you travel or go on vacation and if visiting any Veteran memorial or statues, place one there or in the hand or pocket of the statue.
When you meet veteran, thank them for their service and give them a Poppy letting them know you are remembering them.
Give a Poppy to a veteran at a local nursing home on related holidays. Make a counter top decoration for the facility’s reception area.